Monday, December 30, 2013

The Lowitz Club

Hi guys! Got some great news, I'm officially a member of The Lowitz Club! This happened a few months ago actually, on Friday, August 23rd. So, Friday really had become a day of halos for me, since I've seen almost all of my rare halos on that day. Circumzenithal arc, Parry arc, Supralateral arc, and now, the Lowitz arc is seen on Friday! It's confirmed by Les Cowley himself, the man who made the Atmospheric Optics website (, a great reference of knowledge for your atmospheric phenomenon interests. The one I've seen is the upper Lowitz, a part of the Lowitz arc that's the most seen and photographed (I think). Les also pointed out that it might also have the rarer lower Lowitz arc, but he said he needed more photos to confirm that this is not just a cloud streak. The thing is, I've not only seen the Lowitz arcs on that day. There's also the rare suncave Parry arc, and then the more common arc; upper tangent arc, 22-degree radius, the right hand side of the parhelion, and bits of a parhelic circle. So, the Lowitz arc, seen by myself, an Indonesian on the tropics, seeing one of the exotic halos usually seen on higher latitudes in Europe. You lot might not feel the same way as I am, but I'm really ecstatic about it! And behold, here it is, the Lowitz arc!

Here are the two original (or edited a bit) photos that I sent to Les :

And here are the enhanced photo sent back by him :

So there we are! A Lowitz arc appearing on our very own skies in Bandung. Sorry for being late (WAY TOO LATE, 4 MONTHS LATE!) to post about it. I actually wanted to upload this to the blog quickly, but my motivation seemed to die down and it got delayed. And now, while I have that little bit of motivation, I can finally post the pictures. Sorry for anybody who waited to see this blog updated! 

Hope you enjoyed it! My blog entry after a long while~ :D

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